Course Schedule
Lecture Schedule
Date | Topic | Due Dates |
01/13 | Hail and Well Met, Adventurers! Instructor: Both | |
01/15 | The Origins of the Vampire Instructor: Stepanic | |
01/20 | No Class (MLK Holiday) Instructor: None | |
01/22 | History of Game Industry / What is a game? Instructor: Sherriff | |
01/27 | The Origins of the Media Vampire Instructor: Stepanic | |
01/29 | The Vampire Enters Video Games Instructor: Stepanic | |
02/03 | Mechanics / Dynamics / Aesthetics Instructor: Sherriff | |
02/05 | Formal Elements of Games Instructor: Sherriff | |
02/10 | Game Analysis - Fixed Shooter and Text-Based Adventure Instructor: Stepanic | |
02/12 | The Vampire of the 8-Bit Era Instructor: Stepanic | |
02/17 | The Game Loop (Actions & Interactions) Instructor: Sherriff | |
02/19 | The Game Loop (Collisions & AI) Instructor: Sherriff | |
02/24 | Game Analysis - 8-Bit Vampire Platformers Instructor: Stepanic | |
02/26 | The Vampire of the 16-Bit Era Instructor: Stepanic | |
03/03 | Game Engines Instructor: Sherriff | |
03/05 | Game Engines Instructor: Sherriff | |
03/10 | Spring Break Instructor: None | |
03/12 | Spring Break Instructor: None | |
03/17 | Game Analysis - 16-Bit Vampire Platformers Instructor: Stepanic | |
03/19 | The Vampire of the 3D Era Instructor: Stepanic | |
03/24 | World Building Instructor: Sherriff | |
03/26 | Character / Level Design Instructor: Sherriff | |
03/31 | Game Analysis - FPS (First-Person Shooters) and 3rd-Person Instructor: Stepanic | |
04/02 | The Vampire of the Modern Era Instructor: Stepanic | |
04/07 | Prototyping Games Instructor: Sherriff | |
04/09 | Prototyping Games Instructor: Sherriff | |
04/14 | Game Analysis - Steam Instructor: Stepanic | |
04/16 | Game Analysis - VR Instructor: Stepanic | |
04/21 | Game Balancing Instructor: Sherriff | |
04/23 | Game Balancing Instructor: Sherriff | |
04/28 | Class Wrapup Instructor: Both | |
05/03 | Game Expo! (during the exam period @ 2:00 PM) Instructor: Both |
Project Schedule Overview
Schedule is tentative and subject to change!
- Jan 12-18: Beginning of class
- Jan 19-25: History of vampires and games
- Jan 26-Feb 1: Background research
- Feb 2-8: Consider various vampire mechanics & start Critical Analysis of game
- Feb 9-15: Work on Critical Analysis
- Feb 16-22: Work on Critical Analysis
- Feb 23-Mar 1: ritical Analysis Due
- Mar 2-8: Learning about game engines in class / work on game tutorials
- Mar 9-15: Spring Break
- Mar 16-22: Form groups and choose topics
- Mar 23-29: Background research and work on game design
- Mar 30-Apr 5: Work on projects
- Apr 6-12: Work on projects
- Apr 13-19: Project checkpoint
- Apr 20-26: Work on projects
- Apr 28: Game Expo & Projects Due
Office Hours Calendar
Coming Soon!